Thursday, April 10, 2008

Insuring the Big Things

If you are like most people, the mere mention of insurance is enough to make your eyes glass over. Well, wake up. This is important. You need to take some important steps.
The insurance industry is such these days that you can insure practically anything. The question, of course, is should you? While prudent planning is certainly advisable, becoming paranoid about every little thing is no way to live.
With insurance, the first rule of thumb is to get a policy for the big things. Most small things you can either do without or come up with the cash to replace if you really have to. It may be painful, but it makes more sense than paying monthly premiums on a policy you may never use. In short, insure the big things, not the small ones.
So, what are the big things? Obviously, a lot of different things qualify. They can run from the mortgage on your home to disability to your health. This is, however, not an exclusive list. You should evaluate your own life circumstances with some professional help. That being said, there are three areas most people want to get covered.
What is your most valuable asset? Your home? Your car? You surround sound flat screen high definition television? None of these is correct. Your most valuable asset is YOU. While I am sure you are a great person, what we are really talking about here is your earning potential. If you are injured and suddenly can t work, the sudden loss of cash is going to be stunning. To protect against this situation, buy long-term disability insurance. It is pretty cheap and insures your most valuable asset.
Along the same vein, health insurance is a must for every person. Sadly, our country falls on its face in this area. Health insurance can be expensive and a startling number of people don t have it. This is a mistake because health problems are double financial whammies. First, you stop earning money because you cannot work. Second, you start spending money on medical bills at an alarming rate. Medical treatment is expensive and the bills can easily amount to tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Get covered!
Life insurance is a must if you have a family. If you pass away, there is going to be less money coming into the house. Even if your spouse earns all the money, the financial pinch is going to be significant because someone is going to have to watch the kids and take care of the house. That person will cost money. Life insurance is about the most boring thing out there, but you will sure be happy you have it if you pass away.
Insurance agents will often try to make insurance sound exciting and interesting. It isn t, but it is critical to your financial make-up. Make sure you are covered for the big things.
Get online term life insurance quotes at

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